Feature Ideas

  1. Additional repeating tasks options

    Allow users to select further, more customisable, options for repeating tasks. For example, repeat on: specific weekdays specific days of the month alternating months Also, allow users to select the number of repeats and and end date of when the repeats should stop.

    #Tasks βœ…


  2. Sorting in lists

    Allow tasks in lists to be sortable, like in Inbox, Today, and Tasks.

    Eddy D
    #Lists πŸ“


  3. Select multiple tasks

    Select multiple tasks to edit or move all at once.

    #Tasks βœ…


  4. Kanban view

    Use tags to organize lists into Kanban boards. This is useful to teams tracking project task status and task priority. Users should be able to click and drag tasks within a Kanban board that is introduced as a new and optional view or as an content type insert.

    #Lists πŸ“#Collaboration 🀝


  5. Repeat "after completion"

    For example: "Repeat after completion" "Repeat X days, weeks, months... after previous item is checked off". For bills to send or training items it makes sense to create a new tasks when previous is completed with a parametre.

    Jari Friis J
    #Tasks βœ…


  6. Manage labels

    Allow users to manage labels (e.g., deleting, renaming) to give them functional use.

    Jaap H
    #Tasks βœ…#Lists πŸ“


  7. Option to create multiple tasks when pasting lined text

    If you copy multiple lined text you’re asked if you’d like to create multiple tasks when pasting into Superlist

    #Tasks βœ…#Lists πŸ“


  8. Custom shortcut for quick command

    Customize the keyboard shortcut that opens the quick command menu.

    Hannah Remde


  9. Enter when cursor is at the beginning of a new line should create a task above the current block

    If my cursor is at the very beginning of a line, and I press Enter, I wish it would move the current line down one line and create a new line above. I know I can click the + icon to add a new task above it but if I am only on my keyboard and want to add a task above, I can't do it. I would want to just move my cursor to the beginning and hit enter where I want it above. Several other task managers work this way.

    Bryan M


  10. More aggressive reminder notifications

    Can you add an option for reminder notifications to be "nagging" like TickTick can? I need aggressive notifications, especially for habit notifications.

    Michael H


  11. Calendar view for tasks

    I find it useful to see my tasks spread in a calendar, especially in weekly view, so I can make sure I have a healthy workload in my hands each day.

    #Lists πŸ“


  12. Assign task priority

    Enable users to add priority levels to tasks; e.g., low, medium, high.

    Sven B
    #Tasks βœ…


  13. Week view

    The Today view is great, but Week view would be helpful to navigate through the week and not get lost in the detail of one task.

    Raphael H
    #Lists πŸ“


  14. Timeblocking for tasks

    Seamless integration of the calendar to enter tasks directly at a specific time would greatly assist in planning the day. If you want to schedule a task, another window with the calendar could open on the right. In this window, you should also be able to directly schedule the required time by reducing or enlarging the task.

    #Tasks βœ…#Integrations πŸ”—


  15. Archive lists

    Archive lists to keep your space organized but access them at any point in time.

    Hannah Remde
    #Lists πŸ“
