Feature Ideas

  1. Duplicate tasks / lists

    Allow users to quickly duplicate tasks and lists to save time when creating new items based on existing ones.

    #Tasks βœ…#Lists πŸ“


  2. Manage labels

    Allow users to manage labels (e.g., deleting, renaming) to give them functional use.

    Jaap H
    #Tasks βœ…#Lists πŸ“


  3. Superlist for Windows

    Enable Windows users to manage lists and tasks with a dedicated desktop app.

    Kate D


  4. Add task to list from quick command

    Ability to assign a task to a list from the quick command would make it much more useful. Start by creating a task and then decide where it belongs.

    Taylor H
    #Tasks βœ…#Lists πŸ“


  5. Create List with Labels

    There is no view or search for a label. Being about to create a list from a label, or view tasks by searching for a label is simple and effective. Thanks

    #Lists πŸ“


  6. Moving task to non-existent folders lets you create a new folder

    when I tried to move a task to a list that didn’t exist I had no options to create a list on the fly. So I had to cancel the operation. Go back to the main screen, create a list and then go back and re-do the action.

    Benjamin A
    #Tasks βœ…#Mobile πŸ“±


  7. Sharing a URL to Superlist adds it to the description

    I like to use Superlist as a repository of useful urls that I can organise. When I share a website to the app it adds the url as a task title and it would be much more useful if that URL was in the description (and maybe with an image preview if that’s possible.)

    Benjamin A
    #Tasks βœ…


  8. Search for list and task content

    Enable users to quickly search for content across lists and tasks.

    Hannah R
    #Tasks βœ…#Lists πŸ“


  9. Week view

    The Today view is great, but Week view would be helpful to navigate through the week and not get lost in the detail of one task.

    Raphael H
    #Lists πŸ“


  10. Timeblocking for tasks

    Seamless integration of the calendar to enter tasks directly at a specific time would greatly assist in planning the day. If you want to schedule a task, another window with the calendar could open on the right. In this window, you should also be able to directly schedule the required time by reducing or enlarging the task.

    #Tasks βœ…#Integrations πŸ”—


  11. Add start and end dates to tasks

    Set optional start and end dates on tasks to make planning easier.

    #Tasks βœ…


  12. Save lists as templates

    Custom templates with pre-built or enabled macros can simplify calculating income and expenses. A prime example of this is the ClickUP Personal Budget template. https://clickup.com/templates/personal-budget-t-180546810 But imagine if Superlist had a dedicated templates page where the community could upload their custom templates. This would not only encourage creativity but also provide a variety of options for users. Moreover, if Superlist had an in-app feature to access these templates easily, it would make the user experience even more seamless and efficient.

    #Integrations πŸ”—#Collaboration 🀝


  13. Recognize emails, telephone numbers, and urls

    When these things are placed in the task, they should create the appropriate links.

    Eddy D


  14. Allow URL linking in tasks

    Allow tasks to be clickable from the superlist app when it is added as task. My use case is: Whenever I am scrolling through social media and I want to see the full context, or to have a listen with headphones I save the posts as a task. Then I come back to check on it later. Currently I have to cut and past the url manually which is not very convinient at all - especially on mobile. For me it is a deal braker since this is my main usage.

    Martin V
    #Tasks βœ…


  15. Undo/redo buttons for mobile

    undo / redo buttons for the text editor - but maybe also for list actions (creation/deletion/moving of elements etc)

    #Lists πŸ“#Mobile πŸ“±
