Feature Ideas

  1. Home Assistant Integration

    Via an Integration in Home Assistant just Like its possible for Bring! App: https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/bring/

    Ismo W
    #Integrations πŸ”—


  2. Duplicate tasks / lists

    Allow users to quickly duplicate tasks and lists to save time when creating new items based on existing ones.

    #Tasks βœ…#Lists πŸ“


  3. Drag and Drop Tasks Order.

    One of my most important rituals in the morning is looking at my tasks for the day and then ordering them from Top to bottom in the order I want to complete them. I currently can't do this with Superlist. My tasks often end up ordered in a way I don't intend to complete them and it's annoying.

    James K


  4. Small details for big quality improvement

    I keep finding myself frustrated due to following. Opening Superlist does not bring me to last opened list, area. On a side note, it seems to always relaunch the app on iOS (crashing in the background?)I can not select multiple items, para to moveI can not select multiple items to reformat -- select a list of items change the format from tasks to bulletsAbility to indent a task to be under a specific paragraph -- yes, I know a task can have sublists, but sometimes all I want is bunch of bullets with one callout for a task I will keep checking in for these improvements, but until then I can use superlist as my daily driver for tasks + notes. Keep up the good work!

    #Lists πŸ“#Design 🎨


  5. Drag and drop feature for Today view

    At least within the β€œToday” view, it would be very helpful to have the feature of being able to drag the tasks and rearrange them in a custom order (i.e. the order in which I plan to do the tasks). This is particularly useful because within the β€œToday” view because it will provide users with a flexibility in planning, that cant be done with the current β€œSort by” categories. By enabling drag-and-drop reordering, users can structure their day according to personal workflow order

    Vianca U
    #Tasks βœ…#Lists πŸ“#Mobile πŸ“±


  6. Manage labels

    Allow users to manage labels (e.g., deleting, renaming) to give them functional use.

    Jaap H
    #Tasks βœ…#Lists πŸ“


  7. Search for list and task content

    Enable users to quickly search for content across lists and tasks.

    Hannah R
    #Tasks βœ…#Lists πŸ“


  8. Week view

    The Today view is great, but Week view would be helpful to navigate through the week and not get lost in the detail of one task.

    Raphael H
    #Lists πŸ“


  9. Assign task priority

    Enable users to add priority levels to tasks; e.g., low, medium, high.

    Sven B
    #Tasks βœ…


  10. Select multiple tasks

    Select multiple tasks to edit or move all at once.

    #Tasks βœ…


  11. Timeblocking for tasks

    Seamless integration of the calendar to enter tasks directly at a specific time would greatly assist in planning the day. If you want to schedule a task, another window with the calendar could open on the right. In this window, you should also be able to directly schedule the required time by reducing or enlarging the task.

    #Tasks βœ…#Integrations πŸ”—


  12. Add start and end dates to tasks

    Set optional start and end dates on tasks to make planning easier.

    #Tasks βœ…


  13. Repeat "after completion"

    For example: "Repeat after completion" "Repeat X days, weeks, months... after previous item is checked off". For bills to send or training items it makes sense to create a new tasks when previous is completed with a parametre.

    Jari Friis J
    #Tasks βœ…


  14. Superlist for Windows

    Enable Windows users to manage lists and tasks with a dedicated desktop app.

    Kate D


  15. Recognize emails, telephone numbers, and urls

    When these things are placed in the task, they should create the appropriate links.

    Eddy D
