Feature Ideas

  1. Location-based notifications

    This isn't a 100% deal breaker but the ability to have tasks linked to a location and have them pop up a notification/reminder when I leave/arrive at a given location would be nice.

    Daniel S
    #Tasks ✅#Mobile 📱


  2. Calendar view for tasks

    I find it useful to see my tasks spread in a calendar, especially in weekly view, so I can make sure I have a healthy workload in my hands each day.

    #Lists 📝


  3. Assign task priority

    Enable users to add priority levels to tasks; e.g., low, medium, high.

    Sven B
    #Tasks ✅


  4. Timeblocking for tasks

    Seamless integration of the calendar to enter tasks directly at a specific time would greatly assist in planning the day. If you want to schedule a task, another window with the calendar could open on the right. In this window, you should also be able to directly schedule the required time by reducing or enlarging the task.

    #Tasks ✅#Integrations 🔗


  5. Manage labels

    Allow users to manage labels (e.g., deleting, renaming) to give them functional use.

    Jaap H
    #Tasks ✅#Lists 📝


  6. Select multiple tasks

    Select multiple tasks to edit or move all at once.

    #Tasks ✅


  7. Add start and end dates to tasks

    Set optional start and end dates on tasks to make planning easier.

    #Tasks ✅


  8. Customize cover image in Tasks, Inbox, and Today views

    Allow users to customize the preset image on the top-level views.

    Nick B
    #Lists 📝


  9. Optimize behavior of recurring tasks and subtasks

    It would be great if a recurring (main-)task (e.g. weekly) would be displayed in the day view without the recurring subtasks within it (which are e.g. weekly, bi-weekly or monthly) appearing as a separate task in the day view. In my case, it is a weekly recurring task with 3 subtasks that recur weekly, monthly and every 90 days. On the date when they are all due, I would have 4 tasks in the day view, unnecessarily displayed separately.

    #Tasks ✅#Lists 📝


  10. Add simple table support to add on lists

    It would be great to have the ability to add a table (hopefully with simple math calculations) in lists.

    Francisco M


  11. Kanban view

    Use tags to organize lists into Kanban boards. This is useful to teams tracking project task status and task priority. Users should be able to click and drag tasks within a Kanban board that is introduced as a new and optional view or as an content type insert.

    #Lists 📝#Collaboration 🤝


  12. Superlist for Windows

    Enable Windows users to manage lists and tasks with a dedicated desktop app.

    Kate D


  13. Create sections of tasks in lists

    Create collapsible task sections in lists for better sorting and organizing.

    Hannah R
    #Lists 📝


  14. Additional repeating tasks options

    Allow users to select further, more customisable, options for repeating tasks. For example, repeat on: specific weekdays specific days of the month alternating months Also, allow users to select the number of repeats and and end date of when the repeats should stop.

    #Tasks ✅


  15. Apple Pencil integration

    Add Apple Pencil integration on iPad (and other pens on other tablet and laptop devices) for quick note taking.

    Danilo T
    #Lists 📝#Integrations 🔗
